How do you feel when someone you really care about tells you "No"? Do you feel rejected, hurt, rebellious, vengeful, relieved, or just confused? There are times when God tells us "No" as well. Sometimes we understand why He stops us or redirects us and other times we simply never know why He won't let us do something, go somewhere, receive something, or be relieved from hardship. That experience can hinder our faith if we are unprepared or unwilling to receive a "No" from God. We have choices to make that can enable us grow up spiritually, become stagnant, or withdraw from God. The Bible give us guidance about how to move forward when God's plans are different that ours.
This topic is where we're headed this summer as we study - "WHERE TO GO FROM NO: How Do We Move Forward When God Says 'No?'"
Over the last year or so this topic has been heavy on my heart - for personal and theological reasons. Like most of you, I've heard many sermons on prayer and receiving from God. Most of the teachings focus on persevering in prayer and being patient - all of which are authentic, truthful, and helpful topics. But, I honestly don't know that I've ever heard a teaching on dealing with a flat-out "No" from God. In many ways we are often unprepared to cope with the prospect that God would hinder us from what we so desperate want (or believe that we need).
As I've been preparing for this journey with you I have been surprised at the examples in the Bible where God says "No" to those who were the closest to Him - about really significant things. As always, the closer we delve into the heart of relationship with God the more confounding and mysterious we find Him. Our God is beyond being figured out!
Although this journey into the mystery of God may be challenging, it is my prayer that...
We will grow closer to Christ and to each other through the study of His ways.
We will learn to trust in God's sovereignty in more profound ways.
We will become obedient to God's "No's" in our own personal lives.
We will learn to release our plans to the bigger and better plans of God.
We will learn to embrace personal hardship when it is part of God's plan for us.
This blog is one tool that our class can use throughout the study to communicate throughout the weeks. I plan to post at least one blog per week as we move through the study to initiate conversation about how God is using His word to penetrate our individual lives and our small group. Please comment as you are able. I am really excited about this study and how the Lord will use it! May His Name be exalted in all we learn!
Chasing Him with you,