Saturday, July 23, 2011

Similarities between Moses and Joshua

As we look at the strategic transfer of power from Moses to Joshua this Sunday, we will focus on how Moses mentored Joshua.  Although we won't have much time to delve into detail about how their lives parallel on so many different levels, it would be fun for us to do a little personal Bible study to see how closely the Lord matched their callings.  Here are some examples of similarities between Moses and Joshua:

Experienced the presence of God Ex. 3:12 Josh. 1:5
Led people through a body of water Ex. 14:1-31 Josh. 3:14-17
Determined God's will Ex. 6:1-8 Josh. 4:1-5, 6:1-7
Instituted teaching for later generations Deut. 6:20-21 Josh. 4:6-7
Saw manifestations of the presence of God Ex. 3:2-5 Josh. 5:13-15
Confronted people with hardened hearts Ex. 4:21 Josh. 11:20
Gave a final speech to Israel Deut. 32:1 Josh. 23:1-2

Now, all these examples beg the question, "What am I doing to prepare someone else to take over the roles and ministries that God is working out in my sphere of influence?" 

Perhaps there is someone in your life who will face similar trials you have faced.  Maybe they were put close to you to be mentored and encouraged by you.  Of course, all this is ordained of God, so what are you going to do to prepare her or him?  

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Final Thoughts on King David

Well, we've wrapped up our two-week study of King David and how he moved forward from God's "No" in his life.  He had a tremendous dream - to build a magnificent temple for the LORD, but it wasn't God's plan for him.  The greatest king Israel has ever known wasn't chosen for that job.  It's a great reminder that God has a specific plan for each of us and He has deemed where our boundaries lie. 

Though it is terribly disappointing to find out God hasn't chosen us for some task about which we're really passionate, we can rest in His sovereignty.  These dreams of accomplishing great things for the glory of the LORD are His dreams.  We may be involved in planning, preparing, or helping these things come to fruition, but all great eternally significant plans belong to the LORD.  On one level it's amazing to simply have a part in God's plans which span the ages and the universe, but on another level we can question our significance and purpose when what we've hoped we would bring about is really not God's plan for us.

After looking at some of the comments made this week I'm reminded that just because something is good doesn't mean it is easy.  Let's face it - many people struggle with a "No" from God their whole lives.  The comfort comes when we know He is sympathetic with us in our quest to be a part of meaningful things and He is faithful to guide us.       

Friday, July 8, 2011

Some extra reading...

Here are some great resources I've come across about our topic...Where to Go From No.  You will find these really insightful.

A Chuck Swindoll Article with audio:

A scholarly evangelical article about what David received instead of his dream:

A Jewish article (not Christian) about the significance of David as king, ancestor of the Messiah:

Friday, July 1, 2011

How's the Spirit Working?

So, it's been about a week since we started our study on "Where to Go From No."  How's God using His Word to challenge you, comfort you, or guide you?  I love to hear how specifically He speaks to us individually.  It boosts our faith to hear of His work in the lives of our brothers and sisters!

Here's something that the Holy Spirit has been impressing upon me this week - that when God tells us No, it is never to punish, but to guide.  In my own life, more often that not, I've really struggled to accept a "No" as a good thing.  I am often so short-sighted spiritually that a "No" from God seems like the end of something instead of the beginning of something different.  I am so encouraged that God sees the big picture. He knows that my life and experiences are interconnected with others and He is working not just IN us, but AMONG us.

This week I watched a documentary about the lives of insects (I know, I know....what does this have to do with King David and getting a "No" from God??).  I was AMAZED at the tiny goings on of these often overlooked creatures.  Here's how it connects - there is a whole realm of miniature happenings underneath our feet of which we most often aren't even aware.  Little ants and ladybugs and bees are busy, busy doing what God made them to do every day and we don't even recognize it.  Often, we don't stop to connect the dots in the details of our lives to see how God is working.  Just because we don't understand why God would redirect our paths with a "No" that doesn't mean He doesn't know every detail about what is going on.  His hand is in every tiny part of our lives - even the "hidden" things that others don't know about or that we don't perceive. 

Robert made a great point in the small group this past Sunday:  God knows even the intentions of our hearts according to David's inspired words in 1 Chr. 28:9.  I would argue that most of the time, WE OURSELVES aren't even aware of the intentions of our hearts.  As we grow in trust toward the Lord, we begin to realize that we are like babies, mostly unaware of what is best for us and reliant on our sovereign Savior to guide us with "No" and with "Go" according to what is best for His plan.  And, what is best for His plan is best for us.

Now, it's your turn, what are some insights you've had over the last week?  .......